Thursday, June 20, 2013

Azomite - What is it?

What is Azomite? What can it do for MY plants?
Well, in short, Azomite improves root systems, yields, and plant vigor (I like to say it makes my plants Happy) in several different field crops and garden veggies. It can remineralize soil, and is OMRI-certified for organic use.
But what is it? Well, Azomite is an acronym for: “A to Z of Minerals Including Trace Elements”. Meaning, it’s got all the minerals your plants need to thrive and produce better tasting yields for each plant, more blooms, larger blooms, and flowers or fruits that are more resistant to disease. Naturally.
One thing to remember with any soil additive is to make sure your soil has the proper pH to be able to absorb all nutrients. For this, make sure you test your soil, then order either pH UP or pH DOWN to assist in making sure your soil has either the proper alkalinity or acidity.
Also, while Azomite will assist your plants with many nutrients, including Potassium, you still may need to add Nitrogen and Phosphorus, depending on the soil deficiencies in your area. In most cases, you will see a drastic improvement in one harvest using Azomite. Some users have reported no change until the following harvest, but this is fairly rare.
So how much is this going to cost me? It sounds pretty amazing.
Well, we sell Azomite in two forms:

Azomite Powder


Indications for Azomite Powder:
When preparing the soil, use AZOMITE® at the rate of 1 lb. per 10 sq. ft. If in rows, mix into the soil along the rows at rate of 1 lb. per 25 ft. of row. If bed is established, sprinkle around each plant.
You can purchase Azomite powder starting at $7.95 for 2 pounds. Larger quantites are available, simply select them on our website!!!

For house plants:
Mix 1 teaspoon per 2 inch pot diameter with potting soil before planting. Give 1 teaspoon quarterly thereafter. For roses, apply 1.2 lb. to 1 lb. to the soil around each plant and lightly till into soil.

For Hydroponic Use:
1/8 – 1/4 Teaspoon (tsp) per gallon of water.

Granular Azomite

Granular Azomite

Indications for Granular Azomite:
When preparing the soil, use Azomite at the rate of 1 lb. per 10 sq. ft. If in rows, mix into the soil along the rows at rate of 1 lb. per 25 ft. of row. If bed is established, sprinkle around each plant. For house plants, mix 1 teaspoon per 2 inch pot diameter with potting soil before planting. Give 1 teaspoon quarterly thereafter. For roses, apply 1.2 lb. to 1 lb. to the soil around each plant and lightly till into soil.
If you are interested in Hydroponic or houseplant use, we recommend Azomite Powder, for solubility and ease of use. Granular is great if you are planning to use it on your outside garden or farm!
You can purchase Granular Azomite starting at $8.95 for 2 pounds. Larger quantites are available, simply select them on our website!!! Here is a direct link:

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