Monday, August 19, 2013

Meal Fertilizers - what good are they?

You may have seen them. You may have even cringed when you saw them (blood meal – really?). But what arethey? Well, we have 7 types of Meal fertilizers, and they are all beneficial to your garden.
So let’s break them down:

Alfalfa Meal

Alfalfa Meal
Alfalfa Meal is a great source of trace elements. It’s an awesome mulch – earthworms love it, as do roses. You can use it as mulch during the planting and growing stages of your plant’s life. Alfalfa meal has a wonderful nitrogen-to-carbon ratio, which is awesome for your compost.

Blood Meal

Blood Meal
Blood Meal is great because it slowly, naturally, releases nitrogen plus plenty of extra trace minerals. It will also help keep rabbits and other unwanted animals away from your garden.

Cottonseed Meal

Cotton Seed Meal
Cottonseed Meal is useful in a low-pH soil with low-pH requiring plants. It’s reputed to be great for roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, and potatoes.

Crab Meal

Crab Meal
Crab Meal is used to encourage hardy root growth, and can be used in a watering program or just applied dry. Crab meal has the highest calcium rating available in organic fertilizers, and this is great for all plants. Calcium helps develop cell walls and root tips. Obviously – very necessary.

Feather Meal

Feather Meal
Feather Meal is a good source of protein. It also uses a slow release (about 6-9 months) of nitrogen, which is useful in such plants as corn, leafy greens, trees, shrubs, and plenty of other veggies.

Fish Bone Meal

Fish Bone Meal is infused with seven different strains of beneficial soil microbes and is high in trace elements. It’s an excellent organic source of Calcium and Phosphorus. Fish Bone meal benefits plants in all stages of their life cycles, and is especially beneficial for roots, buds, and blooms.

Kelp Meal

Kelp Meal
Kelp Meal has innumerable benefits. In fact, I wrote a blog post just about the benefits of Kelp. You can check it out here. But for continuity’s sake – here are the benefits of kelp. Kelp contains over 70 different vitamins and minerals, and – wonderfully – won’t burn your plants if you use it at full strength. Kelp meal will gently feed almost any plant.
So there you have it. There are so many different ways to use Meal supplements. Call us if you have any questions!

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