Monday, August 5, 2013

Starter Packs - Featured Products - Grow Starter Packs

So we’re going to take a look at why each of the products in our Starter Packs are worth your time. We’ll start out with our Grow Starter Packs, and then we’ll work our way down the list, focusing on Bloom Starter Packs, Soluble Starter Packs, Soil Amendment Starter Packs, Foliar Spray Starter Packs, Compost Tea Starter Packs, and the Organic Starter Packs.
So. We are so excited to get these Starter Packs together for you folks! This is going to be such an effective, easy way for you to get the right nutrients without having to formulate them yourselves! Of course, you can always custom-order, just like normal.
The Grow Starter Packs are going to include the following key nutrients to boost  your plants’ grow cycle:Calcium and MagnesiumKelpHumic-Amino-, and Fulvic Acids, as well as Silica!
Why are we combining all these products into one? Well, let’s break down what is going to be in here and what benefits each brings to the table:

Calcium and Magnesium:

Calcium and Magnesium are essential to your plants’ health. Your plants utilize Calcium for cell wall development and growth. They use Magnesium for photosynthesis, to carry Phosphorus, to synthesize sugars, and to control nutrient uptake.

Kelp, Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid, and Amino Acids

Organic Acids
Kelp is amazing stuff. It contains more than 60 nutrients to help stimulate plant growth naturally. We have a blog post which will tell you all about the benefits of Kelp here.
Humic Acid improves your plants’ immunity, metabolism, root development, and improves the supply of nutritional elements.
Fulvic Acid is a powerful organic electrolyte, enhances cell division and elongation (beneficial as it increases root growth, which increases the plant’s ability to withstand drought), as a foliar spray increases the plant’s oxygen uptake capacity, also improves the nutrient uptakes, enhances photosynthesis, dissolves silica (also included in this bundle) which increases the plants’ ability to uptake silica. On top of all this, Fulvic acid stimulates the plants’ immune system. Whew!
Amino Acids are effective chelating agents, and activate phytohormones. Amino acids increase the growth and vitality of your plants, and are highly soluble.


Silica is enormously beneficial in hydroponic settings (although it’s not only useful there, we’ll highlight its’ use in hydroponics because it’s just so amazing). Silica help to thicken leaf cuticles, which reduces powdery mildew (blog post on PM here), fungus, and insects by making it more difficult to penetrate the leaf surface and cause harm to the plant. It offers protection from heat and drought stressors, promotes better harvesting of light (which increases growth), strengthens stems, thickens cell walls on fruits and flowers, and triggers natural defense mechanisms within the plant.
So, as you can see, there are some really good things to come. And don’t worry – we’ll make it through all our Starter Packs, so you can see just how beneficial they really are going to be!

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