Thursday, July 11, 2013

Featured products – Bloom and Grow Packs

So you may wonder – what would be the easiest product you can purchase from Kelp4Less to give your plants everything they need? Even with our prices, do you really have to spend ALL that money to get an all-inclusive product? Well – nope. :) Allow me to introduce you to our Bloom and Grow Packs.
We have pre-mixed everything in our Feed Charts so you can buy ONE product, not 14 (plus all the trace minerals). We even separated our Bloom Pack into Early, Mid, and Late Bloom packs if you want to be very specific. Otherwise, you can keep it simple and just do our Grow pack for the growing stages of your plants’ life, and the Bloom pack when you are ready to see blooms (fruits, flowers, buds, etc).
So let me break it down for you – in a previous blog, we talked about the Grow vs. Flower/fruit stage in your plants’ life cycle. Well, we went ahead and developed an all-inclusive nutrient pack for you to use to aid in the growth and/or fruit/flower/bud production of your plant. So – the Grow Stage. Obviously, we want you to use our Grow Pack.

Grow Pack

The nice thing about our Grow Pack is it includes absolutely everything you need to promote healthy growth. The dry analysis is 10-4-10, and this pack includes the following: 4-18-38Calcium NitrateMagnesium SulfateAminosMyco ++SilicaKelp and Humic Blend, and Molasses.
To mix the grow pack in a 50 gallon reservoir, all you do is combine a pound of Grow Pack. Done. A pound of Grow Pack is only $21.46. If you aren’t running that large an operation (maybe you just do a backyard garden, like me!), you can also just do 1 tsp per gallon if you are growing in soil. If you are growing in a neutral medium – not soil – you can do 2 tsp per gallon, and feed once per week. For this type of application, you may only want the 8 ounce pack, which is only $13.46.
The flowering/bloom cycle is going to require some different nutrients. So we took everything from our Feed Chart for your Bloom cycle and pre-mixed it, as well! It’s our Bloom Pack:

Bloom Pack

Bloom Pack Bundle

Our bloom pack is excellent to help you help your plant to get the best out of its’ Bloom, or Flowering cycle. This pack contains everything your plants need for large, abundant blooms. This pack contains MKP, Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Sulfate, Extreme Blend, Myco ++, Silica, Kelp and Humic Blend, Molasses, and Ripe Blend.
The Bloom Pack is mixed basically the same way as the Grow Pack. If you are using a 50-gallon reservoir, mix in a pound of Bloom Pack. If you are going to do a smaller-scale operation, in soil, mix 1 tsp per gallon. If you are doing a neutral-grow medium, use 2 tsp per gallon. Prices are $13.46 for 8 ounces, or $21.56 for a pound.
We would love love LOVE some pictures from you of your results with our grow packs! Don’t hesitate to send them to us!
Thanks for all your support folks, we love you!

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