Friday, July 19, 2013

So what do I do with all these tomatoes?

So you’ve grown all this produce, it looks and tastes wonderful, and now what? You can’t eat tomatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner . . . oh wait – yes you can!!!
First of all – there are a ton of things you can do with tomatoes once they are harvested!!! You can freeze them, boil them, cook them into spaghetti sauce, salsa, picante sauce; and of course – you can eat them fresh.
To freeze them, simply put them in a freezer bag and stick them in the freezer. You can also blanch them and remove the skin first if you like, but either method works fine.
You can make tomato soup – and there is no better tomato soup than that made with your own tomatoes from the garden. Here is a really good recipe for fresh tomato soup:
Garden Fresh Tomato Soup
You need 4 cups chopped fresh tomatoes, 1 slice of onion, 4 whole cloves of garlic, 2 cups chicken broth, 2 Tbsp butter, 2 Tbsp All-purpose flour (or if you’d like to make it gluten free, use corn-starch (or gluten-free AP flour) and eyeball it), 1 tsp salt, and 2 tsp white sugar, or just to taste.
Put everything but the butter, your thickening agent, the sugar, and the salt into a stockpot and gently boil it for about 20 minutes. Then run it through either a food mill or food processor and strain it. In the stockpot, melt the butter, stir in your flour and let simmer until it’s light brown. Then gradually add in your soup mixture (so you don’t get lumps do it slowly), and add the salt and sugar to taste. :) I got this recipe here, and it’s amazing.
There are so many other ways, too – Salsa is my favorite, and the Spaghetti sauce you can make is literally amazing when you use fresh tomatoes. Not to mention, there is something so special about eating your own produce, isn’t there? We’ll do a weekly recipe for you folks to try out, and don’t be afraid to send us your favorites!
You can sweeten your produce by adding molasses to your growing regimen – we have it for only $22.95 per liquid gallon, or (since we are Kelp4Less, and Paying for Water Sucks) you can purchase it in powder form for only $16.95 per pound! This makes a gallon of liquid if you add the water yourself ;) .

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