Wednesday, July 17, 2013

GMO Labeling – What can you do?

As you know (or may not know, in which case check out our Blog on GMO foods here), a GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism. The issue of GMO-labeling is a major one here in the United states, and GMO-labeling bills have already passed in Connecticut and Maine. We fully expect more to pass in many more states across country.
gmo free
Companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Kraft, Kellogg’s, and General Mills have spend millions of dollars trying to fight the passage of these bills, even though they already label GMO-foods in more than 64 countries across the globe (by the way, this includes all of Europe, Russia, China, India, South Africa, and Syria).
Just this last year, Prop 37 to label GMO’s in California. Monsanto was the top contributor, with around $8million. Pepsi was 2nd with around $2 million, and Kraft and Coke following with $2 million and $1.7 million respectively. The question remains – why would these companies be so opposed to telling us what is in our food??? The American people have consistently shown that 90% would support GMO-labeling of foods. 26 states have introduced legislation just this year to pass GMO-labeling laws. It seems like a pretty clear case of demand – so where is the supply?
We like the website: for information regarding upcoming and ongoing legislation around GMO-food labeling. They are up-to-date with their information and gaining more and more influence every day. Washington State has introduced “Initiative 522″, and is already garnering some real opposition. There is already $1 million in opposition from Monsanto, Dow, The Grocery Manufacturer’s Association, DuPont, and Bayer.
However, the “Yes” group is gaining momentum too, and this looks like it could actually pass. For more information, check out Food Democracy Now’s website, above.

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