Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What are the benefits of using organic fertilizers?

There are sooooo many different varieties of fertilizer out there! And there are upsides to most of them. We are pretty partial to the natural varieties, of course, but even synthetics do have benefits. For one thing, usually you have a quicker uptake with synthetics.  Your real difference is your objective. Do you want to increase the nutrients in your soil for a long-lasting improvement overall, or do you want quick uptake?
The problem with quick-uptake synthetic fertilizers is they tend to kill off a lot of beneficial life in your soil, thereby necessitating their use again and again. They are also not sustainable. If you are smart with your organic fertilizers and nutrients, you can turn your soil into its’ own micro-system teeming with worms, vegetation, healthy bugs, and all sorts of nutrients your plants can use.
Healthy soil is such a beautiful thing, isn’t it?
So your soluble chemical fertilizers will contain a lot of mineral salts so they are absorbed quickly. But, as stated before, they don’t provide a food source for microorganisms or earthworms, and can actually repel earthworms. Worm castings are hugely beneficial to your soil, as they output a huge number of beneficial microbes.
These microbes assist in growing healthier plants, improving soil texture, and providing water soluble nutrients to the plants in your garden. We have two products containing worm castings – our Potting Mix and our Compost Tea Starter, both of which are excellent organic nutrients for your garden.
The nice thing about organics (besides actually helping your soil) is that they are usually mild enough you won’t burn your plants. You can, of course, overdo just about anything, but it’s much more difficult with kelp, for instance, than with most synthetic fertilizers.
Kelp Field
kelp forest
Kelp’s benefits are pretty cool, too. You can use our kelp as a soil additive, foliar spray, transplanting aid, to promote additional buds, and to extend the shelf life of your fruits, veggies, and cut flowers. Kelp contains over 60 nutrients which help your plants organically.
Another great product is Bat Guano (this always reminds me of Ace Ventura lol). Bat Guano helps blooms development and fruits ripen, and it’s really most effective to use it in the root zone of your plants.

Bat Guano

So basically, there are tons of options you can use to organically improve your soil. We feel the best way to help your plants is to help your soil, so we very highly recommend all our organic products.

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